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With backgrounds in both corporate and consulting environments we know that successful engagements are dependant on a mix of well established methodologies and novel ideas.

Promanex brings you the best of both.

We have been heavily involved in program and project management over a number of years and, in most cases, are PMP certified. The experience gained across many industry sectors in process engineering, six sigma and lean methodologies has taught us the value of a pragmatic approach at each project stage. We pride ourselves with a straight forward and no-nonsense execution philosophy, providing our clients with the knowledge that we will leverage established best practices methodologies to provide high-quality results under tight schedule and budgetary constraints for each one of their projects.

But we don't rely solely on known methodologies.

We will challenge you. In addition to providing our expertise and support to your new and existing business concepts, we also have a reputation for developing game changing approaches and solutions to break the status quo. Our ideas and results are proving that customer experience improvements are no longer exclusive of increased operational efficiencies and cost reductions. They will help in making a real difference in how you think of business initiatives.

We will train your staff.

Each engagement includes knowledge transfer with the objective of ensuring that your staff have the understanding required to monitor and maintain the solution implemented.

You will be surprised with our ideas, pleased with the results.

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